scared child

Natural Remedies for Anxiety in Children

Though an unpleasant experience in life, anxiety is very common to both children and adults. As adults we can oftentimes find coping mechanisms to help us navigate through difficult situations, though we still feel the effects of stress. But what do we do when our children find themselves anxious and in need of help? Many parents opt to find natural solutions to manage anxiety and the symptoms that come along with it. Here, we’ll provide some things that can be done at all to assist with easing the mind of little ones. 

What is Anxiety? 

Our body’s natural response to stress is anxiety. Usually an individual feels nervous, fearful, or apprehensive about a situation that’s approaching; perhaps a certain person or thing triggers said fear or nervousness, and as the event gets closer, anxiety tends to worsen. Everyone doesn’t experience anxiety in the same way, some people’s hearts may race and another person may feel butterflies in their stomach. If anxiety becomes chronic, it can feel like a disconnect between the mind and the body. 

Physiological symptoms of general anxiety :

  • Rapid breathing 
  • Trouble with concentrating
  • Insomnia
  • Rapid heartbeat 
  • Restlessness 

The given explanation is what’s technically happening when someone experiences anxiety, with children, the symptoms may present a bit differently, as they may not understand what they’re feeling. Children can oftentimes have nightmares, become socially withdrawn, and antsy when they’re experiencing anxiety. Depending on the source, it may affect their school life as well. It’s important to recognize the symptoms in order to be aware that your child is anxious and in need of assistance to regulate their mood.

Natural Remedies

This section emphasizes why the child doesn’t have to be anxious as opposed to why they shouldn’t be anxious. One copes and the other discredits; your ability to “get it” instead of making them feel bad about being fearful is everything. NEVER discredit your child’s anxiety; it is real to them, and you should help them find ways to cope and teach them to use the part of their brain that logically deduced whether something is a threat or not.

Art is a great way to exercise creativity, coordination and other skills as well, while simultaneously relaxing your child. Art therapy is excellent for children who experience anxiety. This is a calm time where your child can take their mind off of what’s worrying them and instead, express themselves in a creative and relaxing way. Allow children to write, paint, or draw whatever comes to their minds. Perhaps they’ll draw what’s worrying them and you can discuss what it is and reasons why they don’t have to be afraid or anxious. 

Yoga and exercise is great because it helps to burn off excess energy and provides a distraction from anxiety. There’s all kinds of activities that can be done based on your child’s interests. Perhaps they enjoy relaxing exercises such as a few laps in the pool, or meditating or pilates; maybe they want something a little more fast-paced like running or aerobics. Exercise can have a calming effect and if your child is open to discussing their concerns, this can be a God opportunity to do so. 

Weighted objects are quickly gaining popularity as they provide a physical sense of security. Sometimes when we feel anxious or nervous, a big hug can do wonders; after the hug is over, the anxiety may return, but researchers have found that objects that can produce the same feeling are very beneficial for those who experience anxiety regularly. Examples of these objects are blankets that weigh various amounts such as 20 or 30lbs. This makes children feel safe and it calms them down when they may be feeling especially anxious. 

CBD for Children with Anxiety

Another alternative to managing anxiety is Cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is a natural supplement that’s derived from the hemp plant. It does not contain psychoactive properties, and it will not make your child feel “high”. CBD is known to help regulate a person’s mood by increasing serotonin levels and keeping them balanced. CBD naturally has a calming effect and it can be taken via gummies, which are especially kid-friendly. If you’re looking for a way to help keep your child’s mood balanced, while also helping to improve their sleeping patterns, CBD gummies are a great option for kids

Always remember that anxiety is common and as a parent or caregiver of a child experiencing anxiety, you are not alone. If you’re interested in a regimen that involves natural remedies or CBD products, please consult a health professional for appropriate techniques, suggestions and dosages.