Natural Remedies for Epilepsy in Children

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the lives of many adults and children throughout the world. Researchers are continuing to discover new and innovative ways to manage the symptoms of this disorder. In addition to medications, parents and caregivers are opting to utilize natural rememdies to combat epilepsy, and we’ve provided the research on them in a central location for your use.

What is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a central nervous system disorder that causes brain activity to be abnormal, consequently causing seizures or bouts of unusual behavior, sensations, and at times,  loss of awareness. Epilepsy can develop at any given moment, and it affects men, women, children, and even pets. There doesn’t yet appear to be any predisposed genetic makeup for the disease. 

Seizures have the ability to manifest in various ways, depending on the individual. Some children may have a blank expression when experiencing a seizure while others lose control of their limbs and begin to flail. Other children may become emotionally erratic, which may affect their speech at the time. Finally, it is possible that a person can lose awareness or consciousness completely during a seizure.

Natural Remedies: Physical Activity, Herbs and Dietary Changes 

Physical Activity Benefits 

 Exercise has been proven by research to dramatically improve the quality of  life for a child living with epilepsy. Studies have demonstrated that exercise is a great way to alleviate the anxiety and depression that a child may feel, which are two factors that contribute to seizures in some children who have epilepsy. Additionally, children who exercise have been able to enhance their perception and have also shown improvements with their verbal communication skills, ability to concentrate, and their math and reading skills.

Herbal Therapy 

Studies have shown that certain herbs have a calming effect in children with epilepsy and also help to enhance the medications they may be taking. The herbs that are known to be used for epilepsy are:

  • Peony 
  • Mistletoe
  • Valerian
  • Chamomile
  • Passionflower
  • Lily of the Valley

Dietary Changes:

The ketogenic diet which is high in fats and low in carbs, has been used for children whose bodies are resistance to epilepsy medication. This particular diet has for some participants, cut their seizures by fifty percent, and for ten to fifteen percent of children that utilize this diet, their seizures were eliminated completely. 

CBD for Children with Epilepsy

CBD is an excellent option for children who are battling epilepsy. Recently, researchers have discovered that CBD is able to reduce the number of episodic seizures that a child with epilepsy have, when regular doses were administered. Epidiolex is a drug that is approved by the FDA to treat a very specific form of epilepsy. Epidiolex is the first FDA-approved drug made with cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is an all-natural supplement that is extracted directly from the hemp plant. Parents need not worry because it does not contain any psychoactive properties, and it is also available in the form of gummies. This makes it both effective and kid-friendly, as it comes in a variety of flavors as well. Always consult thorough research and consult with a medical professional prior to incorporating CBD into your regimen.