Autism in children

Natural Remedies for Children with Autism

Autism is a neurological disorder that affects the way children see the world. Difficulties with tasks such as effective communication and social skills are a hallmark of this condition, which is emotionally taxing for both the child and the caregiver. However, there are many natural remedies that can be implemented into the daily lives of children with Autism that will be enriching and also help to manage certain symptoms. These activities can help to nurture and expand your child’s physical, social, and mental development.

What is Autism?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological condition that affects brain development. It has an impact on a person’s perception, communication, and socialization with others. Autism is referred to as a “spectrum” disorder because it can vary drastically in terms of the symptoms that are presented. Parents usually notice the signs of  Autism developing in the years of early childhood. In tandem with the symptoms are disruptions to the child’s ability to function in society, particularly at school, and at home as well. Currently, there is no cure for Autism, however, early intensive treatment is very beneficial to children. 

Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder 

  • Repetitive behaviors 
  • Doesn’t distinguish between caregivers 
  • Lack of eye contact 
  • Slurred speech
  • Inability to follow basic commands
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Socially withdrawn 
  • Lack of facial expressions 
  • Inadequate communication skills based on age
  • Doesn’t respond when their name is called

Prior to an Autism diagnosis, these are the most common symptoms that parents tend to notice in their children. ASD is an experience that is unique to every child, and the symptoms can vary in severity. Children can range from low functioning to high functioning and some symptoms can improve with age. 

Natural Remedies 

Studies have shown that weighted objects, such as a vest or a blanket, can offer safety and security to children who have Autism. At times they may feel anxiety or worry about upcoming social interactions or tasks, or perhaps they’re experiencing a period of being hyperactive; one thing that can help to soothe them and alleviate stress is something such as a jacket or a blanket that has added weight. These products can be referred by therapists or doctors and they range from about 10-25lbs for children. 

Another option for natural remedies is music therapy. Oftentimes children find music to be soothing and it provides a creative way to expand your child’s mental acuity. Children can learn to focus better, improve memory, and also socialize with others if they up in a grou l that provides therapeutic musical lessons for children with Autism. This can involve learning to play a new instrument, simply listening to music and learning new songs, or even dancing along to the music. 

Exercise and physical activity have been known to be an excellent remedy for many ailments, and ASD is no exception. Exercise such as swimming, gymnastics, aerobics running, etc., are great options that allow your child to learn and enhance their physical coordination skills. If possible it would be great to do as many activities in the outdoors as possible as nature has a soothing effect on children with ASD. They also get to learn about the world around them in the process. 

CBD for Children with Autism

CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a chemical compound that is extracted from the hemp plant, which contains no psychoactive properties. Children with ASD can benefit greatly from using CBD products because CBD is known for its ability to reduce anxiety and stress surrounding social interactions. CBD also has anticonvulsant properties that help to reduce seizures. This is an important benefit because around thirty percent of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder have seizures as well.

 CBD helps to reduce certain symptoms such as aggressive behaviors and it improves a child’s ability to focus. CBD works together with the Cannabinoid receptors in the body to help regulate moods, which keeps children calm for longer periods. CBD also assists with insomnia and difficulty sleeping, thus promoting better sleep patterns. CBD comes in the form of gummies which is very kid-friendly and comes in a variety of great flavors. Always consult a healthcare professional before adding CBD to your regimen.